The one safe and healthy perspective on life and all matters:
Align oneself internally.
Here lies your authentic power.
Bring your focus back inside.
Appreciate the essence of life, and embrace the dynamics between the polarities of life.
Only by being truly rooted in this dynamic we can maintain sufficient balance and become fully awakend and concious beings.
Centered in the Now.
Accept all, reject none. For all aspects have an intrinsic good value, and an intrinsic toxic part.
“Here I am.
Just breathe. Slowly in and out.
My heart connects with the field of energy that surrounds me. Doing nothing, just noticing what happends. inside me and around me.
Energy curls,
waves flowing through my chest
and a little cramp in my belly.
Many tiny little pops of energy, a tingeling sensation. electricity through my fingers.
my heart beats gently and a little hissing sound in my ears.
Slow breathing; In through my nose, and relaxation on the way out. My breath deepens and a big slow sigh comes out with the breath.
And Do Nothing.
Just be here, Now.
breathe in, breathe out.